PhD: On-line DA and ensemble forecasting groundwater and soil moisture (TNO/PI/2003): 180 k€
PhD: Groundwater and climate (NWO-ALW/PI/2004): 200 k€
PhD; AQUATERRA (European Union FP6/WP leader/2004): 220 k€
Project Summerschool Climate and the hydrological Cycle (National Funding/project leader/2005): 40 k€
PhD DYNAQUAL – Dynamics of groundwater and surface water quality (TNO/promotor/2006): 180 k€
Small project: ESA Global Mass Distribution and Transport in the Earth System (ESA/collaborator/2007): 60 k€
Postdoc: thermo-dynamical conspiracy of the Himalaya’s (NWO Casimir programme/advisor/2008) 100 k€
PhD: Multi-satellite and multi-sensor application for large-scale groundwater assessment (NWO-GO/PI/2008): 200 k€
PhD: Facility for global assessment of hydrological effects of climate change (Deltares/PI/2008): 180 k€
PhD: Global seasonal forecasting of River discharge (Deltares/PI/2008): 180 k€
PhD: Modelling past and future global water stress (UU F&M/PI/2009): 180 k€
PhD: Climate and vegetation shifts the during Roman Classical period (UU F&M/promotor/2009): 90 k€
PhD: Limits to global groundwater consumption (NWO-ALW/PI/2011): 220 k€
Postdoc: Quantifying the Water Tower of the Third Pole (NWO VENI-scheme/advisor/2011): 250 k€
Postdoc: GLOWASIS – (European Union FP7/WP leader/2011): 120 k€
PhD: Monitoring Strategy for Hydrogeological parameters (TNO/promoter/2011): 240 k€.
Postdoc: (European Institute of Technology Climate KIC/PI/2012): 190 k k€ (projectleider van totaal project 470 k€)
Postdoc: Data-Intensive Modeling of the Global Water Cycle: Bringing the 4th Paradigm to Hydrology (NWO high-performance computing programme/advisor/2012): 135 k€
Small projects for performing runs for ISI-MIP fast track (20 k€) and Water Futures and Solution (IIASA/UNESCO: 30 k€).
PhD: Climate Cascades – Integrated catchment model and fate of pathogens and heavy metals (RIVM): 260 k€.
PhD: The effect of mega-nourishments on freshwater reserves, salt water intrusion and fresh water outflow (NWO-STW Perspectieven project NatureCoast/PI and WP leader/2013): 250 k€.
PhD1: Regional downscaling of global water resources models. Part of EU project EartH2Observe (EU FP7/promotor/2014); PhD2: Global hydrology and water resources modeling and re-analysis. Part of EU project EartH2Observe (EU FP7/PI/2014): 500 k€.
Postdoc: Past and future impact of anthropogenic changes to the water cycle on regional and global climate (UU Sustainability/PI/2014): 150 k€
Small project: Pilot Glob-wide water availability analysis around Shell assets (Shell global solutions/PI/2014): 60 k€.
PhD: Global high-resolution database of current and future river flood hazard (EIT Climate KIC/PI/2014): 270 k€
PhD: Fresh groundwater reserves in 40 major deltas under global change (NWO–The New Delta/PI/2015): 250 k€
PhD1: Rapid regional mapping of salt-fresh water distributions; PhD 2: Rapid modelling and scenarios for strategic policy development (NWO/STW Perspectieven project Water Nexus/PI and WP leader/2015): 630 k€
Postdoc: Global flood analyser (World Resources Institute/PI/2014): 120 k€
PhD: Groundwater-related failure risks of river dikes (NWO/STW perspectieven project All Risk): 300 k€
Postdoc: Tibet’s lakes as a gauge for global warming (NWO/co-PI/2019): 264 k€
Postdoc and model engineer: ARISE (EIT Climate KIC/co-PI/2019): 320 k€
PhD: GoNEXUS – Innovative tools and solutions for governing the water-energy-food-ecosystems NEXUS under global change (EU Horizon 2020/Co-PI/2020): 650 k€.
PhD1, PhD2, Postdoc: AquaConnect – Key technologies for safeguarding regional water provision in fresh water stressed deltas (NWO TTW Perspectieven/Ci-PI/2021): 800 k€.